Do you remember the hexagon quilt I made (read; started on/not finished yet). I promised long time that I would show you a tutorial how to make it on my blog. I have not forgotten about it, just had to wait because it was to be published in the Norwegian Quilt associations magazine. And now the magazine is out and I can show you others too.
But probably you already knew how to use this ruler and this tecnique how to make hexagons.

Do you have the Sara Nephew clear wiew triangle (60 degree ruler). I had one in my sewingroom that I had not used. So I wanted to know how to use it and started to play with it. Do you see how I marked some lines. I'm going to use 2.5 inch stripes of fabric, so I have marked cutting lines at 2.5 inch and at 5 inch.

Cut 2.5 inch stripes the whole lenght. To make a big quilt you will need 2 stripes of 20 different fabrics. This is an oportunity to dig deep in your fabricstash (and still I guess you will not notice you have used anything).

Then cut your stripes using the ruler. Place the ruler so that the fabric is between your marked lines at the ruler. Cut the piece

and then turn the ruler the oposit way and do another cut. Continue this way so you have a lot of half hexagons to play with.

Then you start to play with the half hexagons. The easiest way to do this is to place rows of half hexagons. I start building the quilt from the top and place the whole widht. On this quilt I have 11 half hexagons on top and 34 rows of half hexagons (17 rows of whole hexagons). Make sure you get two half hexagons of the same fabric together to make one whole hexagon.

Then you can start to sew the row one by one like the photo. I sew one row and put it back on the layout. Then the next and put it back. That's to see if I still have the same fabric put together against eachother to make the one whole hexagon. It's easy to mix up the fabrics LOL

When you have sewed all the rows you can start sewing the rows together.

Sew on the borders.

and quilt as desired. I have quilted in the ditch.
Almost finished it. Just the outher border left to quilt. And of course the binding. Please let me know if you try to make the hexagonquilt.
By the can use jellyrolls for this quilt. And do you know about
Hannes summer strip challenge using your jelly rolls.

Saying for today:
One craft project,
like one cookie,
is never enough!
Ecellent tutorial, thanks!
Thanks so much! I had only use that ruler to make triangles. & I had no idea that you quilt was made of out 1/2 hexagons!
This was interesting, thank you.
Kjempe flott:-) men gosh så mye arbeid. Ser jo at du har tålmodighet av gull
Ha ei fin og kreativ uke:-))
Thankyou !!!! :0)
This will be something for me after I have finished some challenges...some swaps and other crazy things I start...;D
This is so interesting - I have never seen it before. Thank you for sharing :-)
Perhaps when I finish my English paper-pieced hexagons (in about 10yrs time LOL) I will try your method...
Gracias por el turorial y por el bello blog que tienes. Siempre me gusta entrar en el y ver además todos los link de otras blogueras. Saludos desde Sevilla España ¡¡¡¡Olé!!!!!
Det var ikke verre nei... Å jeg som venta i flere måneder på å få malen jeg hadde bestilt for å få til mitt. Kunne jo bare ha kjøpt meg trekant-linjal... Ja, ja. Takk for at du viste oss en mye enklere måte å lage disse på. Da blir det handletur snart da;-)
Thank you for the tutorial, I am a novice quilter and need all the help I can get.
The quilt is beautiful. I am going to come to your house to snuggle under it.
I hadn't seen this method before - very interesting and very good for those of us who are not keen on handsewing :-)
Kjempeflott beskrivelse. Vet ikke om jeg har tålmodighet til dette, men kanskje man kunne sy en liten løper istedet for et teppe? Ha ei fin uke du.
I will try this one when I get a ruler of 60 degrees, or perhaps I just could make a template?
Var dette metoden til dama frå Australia som var på Kathrines Quiltestue i oktober?
looks good I wanted to make one of these since a friend did one........
Thanks for sharing your tutorial May, great idea. I may actually try one of these one day!
Love all your magazines you have and the Stitchery book is gorgeous isn't it.
This quilt is beautiful! Thanks for sharing! I love it!
Fantastic tutorila May Britt..and your quilt is just gorgeous...thankyou
Thanks May - your quilt looks really effective. I am going tohave to get myself one of those rulers!
I've bookmarked this and added it to my things to do list - maybe in 2010??? Love the quilt.
Oh My May Britt! That's a beautiful quilt!
You are the most clever girl! Love those colors also. Thanks!
Thank you for sharing and what a clever idea ..... will have to try this out as soon as I get that ruler!
Thanks so much for the lesson. I love hexagon quilts. Never made one yet they seem like to much work. This ruler idea of yours would make it alot easier. Thank you.
Fantastic, thanks!!!!!!!!
and happy birthday to ypur DD.
ciao ciao
That is a pretty cool way to make hexagons. By the way, the quilt is gorgeous.
Thanks for the tutorial!! A great way to use jelly rolls1 And I thought about Hanne's challenge when I saw it on print in the member's magazine ;o)
Beautiful colors and great tutorial!!
Thanks for the tutorial. I also have that ruler and have never taken the time to figure out how to use it....I would love to make one of these quilts, so guess I better get hopping.
Thanks you for this great tutorial! That is fantastic way to sew hexagons!
And your quilt looks wonderful!
Thank youi! I have beeen waiting and waiting for this tutorial.
Thank you for the fabulous tutorial. Your quilt is just beautiful. I love the fabrics that you've chosen.
Det er en fin måte å lage sekskanter på! Ser ut til å være samme metode som Lynne Wilson fra Australia viste oss, da hun var på besøk hos Kathrines Quiltestue i oktober 2007...
Thank you thank you thank you! I have always wondered how to do that!
Hei, flott side du har. Fin teknikk dette - har sett noen tepper sydd i denne teknikken både i husflidslaget og på quilten. Ser spennende ut. Ha en god helg :-)
Thanks for the Hexagon quilt tutorial! I recently saw this in a magazine, but I love the colors you used much better. Will give this a try when I finish some UFO's. Thanks!
THANKS so much, I am going to have to try it,
I have read your tutorial and have already started on it. I am making it in calicos and am on row 14 of 36 (x 13) I will have to add it to my WISP list. I already have 9 items on the WISP list at present, but it has been a great incentive to finishing thing up. Of course, I had a little push from the recent Wyoming blizzards. Mary from Wyoming
Oh! That's quite clever! I'm really happy to have found this--I love hexagon quilts, but I need something relatively quick to put together. :) Love the tutorial!
I love the hexagon quilt and i am going to try it but would like to know how wide the fabric was that you used please
Så flott tutorial, dette skal eg prøve. Tusen takk :-)
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